Until sometime back, fuzz testing was pretty much manual operation. Passing random data as input to check how target system reacts is one effective way to identify if the system is having flaws that may go unnoticed and creep their way into release models. But how much of data is enough to test the system’s intended functionality? Can there be a sort of data left out that could make the system act in a bizarre way? Fuzz testing conventionally have limitations of which, constrained dataset for testing the model is a major challenge. More importantly, with growing complications of a […]
AI : Let’s Get Serious
AI is ubiquitous and is finding its application in almost all domains, be it for simple sentence correction purpose or space navigation. The analogy of how AI behaves and thinks like a human, gives an impression that AI is quite simple and does not include much complicated programming. However, the seemingly simple technology of AI equally requires a lot of ground work to not just make it act like a human but also with greater deal of humanity. AI is not like just any other technology and yet is not any different either. Imagine teaching your toddler how to ride […]
Model Stealing: Show me “Everything” you got!
Model Stealing Attack (Ref: Machine Learning Based Cyber Attacks Targeting on Controlled Information: A Survey, Miao et al.) By now you must have realised how Model Stealing attack is different from Inference attack. While Inference attack focuses on extracting training data information and intends to rebuild a training dataset, model Stealing queries an AI model strategically to get the most or almost everything out of it. By “Everything”, I mean the model. While Inference attack is about hampering data privacy, model Stealing is about hampering the confidentiality of the AI model. In this blog, we will get to know the […]
Inference Attack: Show Me What You Got!
Inference Attack (Ref: MEMBERSHIP INFERENCE ATTACKS AGAINST MACHINE LEARNING MODELSReza Shokri, Marco Stronati, Congzheng Song, and Vitaly Shmatikov (2017)Presented by Christabella Irwanto) In previous blog entries, we had a basic understanding of what data poisoning attack is, what does Evasion attack do, and how are data poisoning and Evasion attacks different. In this blog entry, we will understand what an inference attack means when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, what are its major forms, their application, and ofcourse, the counter measures. Inference attack is a modus operandi followed by an adversary to determine what an AI algorithm is running on. […]